Caroline Sheen tells us all about the trials and tribulations of learning Welsh after being crowned this year’s Cariad @ Iaith champ.

Tell us about your series highlight.
It was such a wonderful week, with the best company of people and such fun times, so it’s really difficult to pick a highlight. But, looking back now, I think it’s definitely being voted by my friends to win. That really meant a lot.

What was the most testing aspect of improving your Welsh?
Actually speaking the language! I found the lessons so helpful for reading, understanding and pronunciation, but to actually put it all into practise by speaking it was the most difficult and scary thing to do.

What are your top tips for getting to grips with the language for any prospective students?
I think what benefitted me was having the time to commit a whole week to be completely immersed in the language. Now I’m back home and away from it all, I’m trying to keep up the learning by watching S4C and listening to the radio.

How important is it to support learning the language?
It’s very exciting to be learning it and I’ve always wanted to do it. It’s important to the nation as it gives us an identity and unifies us – that’s never a bad thing.