Since its first broadcast in the Summer of 2008, Cyw has entertained thousands upon thousands of young children and provided a safe haven for thankful parents. The Boom Plant crew, with Bait’s inventive design input, has created a fun and comprehensive service made up of continuity links and programmes with presenters and characters who have found a special place in the hearts of the children of Wales. In a very short space of time, Cyw has established itself as one of S4C and Wales’s most successful brands and has built a prominent multi-platform presence – television, web, radio, CDs and DVDs, books, computer games, apps, educational material, clothing and various products, not to mention live shows and a brand presence in schools and children’s hospital wards across Wales. Everyone loves Cyw!

Boom Cymru is very proud of a character and service that has developed into an integral part of Welsh children’s lives, and we look forward to the next 10 years and beyond! Penblwydd Hapus Cyw!