

Three Gamers must venture into deep space.  Their mission, play interactive games to rescue their friends and family from the spaceship Herculean and the clutches of bad guy Ludus. Ludus has turned the gamers’ friends and family into holograms.  His plan? To upload them into his game forever! The gamers visit six levels – each with a different game to play.  Win and gamers rescue one of the holograms. Lose and they are uploaded into the game forever.  Gamers travel between each level in the Herculean, guided by the voice of the ship’s computer.  Once they have played all 6 levels and have rescued – or lost – their friends and family, they face ‘The Final Game’ for a ticket back home.  Without the ticket they will be stranded in space with Ludus forever! Ludus is accompanied by a play along app for smartphone, tablet and desktop.

Boom Kids
CBBC and S4C