
Does your child have an interesting hobby?

Does your child have an interesting hobby?

Does your child have an interesting hobby that they’re extremely passionate about? Would they love to showcase their knowledge and talent on children’s TV? For more information email: or call 07741 326 687
Boom Group wins 6 Welsh Bafta awards

Boom Group wins 6 Welsh Bafta awards

Boom Cymru have won 6 awards at the Welsh Bafta 2019 awards. ‘Priodas Pum Mil’ won Best Entertainment programme, and ‘Anorac’ pocketed 4 awards for Photography Factual (Joni Cray & Gruffydd Davies), Editing (Madoc Roberts), Sound (Jules Davies) and Presenter (Huw...
Mabinogi-ogi winning at the Celtic Film Festival

Mabinogi-ogi winning at the Celtic Film Festival

Congratulations to ‘Mabinogi-ogi’ on winning the Children’s programme category at the Celtic Film Festival, 2019. The festival, which was hosted in Aviemore this year, promotes the language and cultures of Celtic countries in the media. A full list of winners can be...